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Meryl Chertoff

Coming up!

Next week: we will have features on the California recall election’s constitutionality, Sarah Swan on Gainesville’s lawsuit against Florida’s HB1, which takes away the city’s budgetary authority on policing (and jurisdction-strips from the state court!) Kellen Zale on the Texas Governor’s Executive Order banning mask mandates, and comments on some odd things happening with Attorney General representation on mask mandates in Missouri and Indiana.

September 13 and 15: We’ve got a full week lined up, with a conversation between Nestor Davidson, Richard Schragger and Richard Briffault on the new preemption and the war on cities! The same week we’ll include posts from Sarah Fox on climate federalism, Sara Bronin on Houston’s historic preservation law, and an argument from Justin Weinstein-Tull for reviving the Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations.

Coming in October, a symposium issue on Jeffrey Sutton’s new book Who Decides and October 26, on Ran Hirschl’s City,State: Constitutionalism and the Megacity, with noted guest transnational scholars.

If you are one of our contributors, we encourage reaction posts. If you are not, consider sending us a pitch for a guest post. And spread the word, the SLoG has begun!

Meryl Justin Chertoff, Managing Editor


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