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Slog Law Blog

Weekend Reading; Upcoming Events; And Let Us Hear from You

We are grateful to Sarah Swan for sharing her picks the last few week; here are a few other suggestions, announcements of upcoming events, and a call for contributions!

First, Ilya Somin has made the case for limits on extraterritorial jurisdiction by states seeking to interfere with the right of women to seek abortions in states that post-Dobbs, will prohibit them. Ilya's analysis can be found here

For more, also see his analysis of foot voting in the face of abortion prohibitions, as female human beings decide whether they want the state to dictate their reproductive choices (ok, snark is the editor's)

Looking at state constitutions, our good colleagues at University of Wisconsin State Democracy Research Initiative are holding a great panel on May 20 on state constitutional interpretation, featuring state supreme court justices from Michigan, Montana, North Carolina and Wisconsin. Thanks, Miriam Seifter and team! We'll be online, will you?

This article in The Atlantic on participatory democracy and housing and transportation points to the elephant in the room, and quotes our founding editor David Schleicher.

Finally, grading is nearly done, and we're circling back for YOU, contributors to SLoGLaw. Send us your thoughts. Surely, there must be something happening at SCOTUS that concerns you? We would like to do a symposium on reproductive rights in the states. Send us your pitches for that, or for anything else keeping you up at night.


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